Deluxe Warmest Wishes


Our Warmest Wishes gift tower is velvety soft and so impressive to look at, they won’t want to open the boxes, but they will be so glad they did! A good choice for a thank you, corporate or sympathy gift, but also versatile enough to send for an anniversary, birthday or congratulations gift.

This gift includes Harry London cookie joys, coffee, espresso and latte coffee candies, Belgian chocolate pretzels, caramel popcorn and a tin of imported butter cookies. Can be customized further by selecting a sash below.

Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
8.5″ x 8.5″ x 19″

Not Available


Out of stock

Chocolate Gift Tower

Our Warmest Wishes gift tower is velvety soft and so impressive to look at, they won’t want to open the boxes, but they will be so glad they did! A good choice for a thank you, corporate or sympathy gift, but also versatile enough to send for an anniversary, birthday or congratulations gift.

This gift includes Harry London cookie joys, coffee, espresso and latte coffee candies, Belgian chocolate pretzels, caramel popcorn and a tin of imported butter cookies. Can be customized further by selecting a sash below.

Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
8.5″ x 8.5″ x 19″

Not Available