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The funny thing is, I have always wanted to have a blog.  My reasons were, to keep our customers up-to-date, share new and exciting news, etc, etc.  But the one thing that I had forgotten, is that I LOVE to write.  I have written stories ever since I could hold a crayon in my hand and could understand the written word!  All those writing assignments through grade school, high school and college, although a bain to most peoples’ existence, had me in my glory!  My kids think I’m nuts (what else is new!)  I don’t know why I waited so long to start blogging!  (Well maybe it had something to do with I didn’t have a clue how to set up a blog, and, being a perfectionist, I wanted to make sure I did it RIGHT, when I did it).  Now that I’m set up, I can’t wait to add new blogs!  Instead of being a chore, it is something I look forward to, on a day to day basis!  I can honestly say, I LOVE what I do, and now, being able to share my experiences and opinions regarding this and other thoughts, well I must say, I am simply bursting with joy!  How lucky am I?!