Petals Cookie Bouquet


Our cookie bouquets are always a well received and unique gift.  We offer this smaller bouquet so that anyone can afford to send a cookie gram!  This gift would make a beautiful Mother’s Day gift. It would also make a beautiful children’s basket.  Very versatile, but with one thing in common…these cookies are delicious!

This cookie bouquet offers 3 smiling flower cookies measuring approximately 4 inches in diameter each!  We use an adorable, re-usable tin planter as the base, so they’ll be able to grow their favorite plant long after the cookies have been gobbled up!

Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
5″ x 5″ x 11″

Not Available


Out of stock

Inexpensive Cookie Bouquets and Cookie Gram Gift Ideas

Our cookie bouquets are always a well received and unique gift.  We offer this smaller bouquet so that anyone can afford to send a cookie gram!  This gift would make a beautiful Mother’s Day gift. It would also make a beautiful children’s basket.  Very versatile, but with one thing in common…these cookies are delicious!

This cookie bouquet offers 3 smiling flower cookies measuring approximately 4 inches in diameter each!  We use an adorable, re-usable tin planter as the base, so they’ll be able to grow their favorite plant long after the cookies have been gobbled up!

Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
5″ x 5″ x 11″

Not Available

Seee our available cookie bouquets