Taste Sensations


Looking for a gift basket with unique items? Look no further. This basket has it all! Including, cheddar and onion beer bread, stout beer and onion jelly (great to put on the brie cheese that is included), chocolate chip cookies, cappuccino mix, cashew roca, Tuscan crisps, smoked salmon, chocolate biscotti and appetizer crackers.
Each gift basket on boodlesofbaskets.com is exclusively designed and made by Boodles of Baskets.
Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
13″ x 9″ x 18″

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Men’s Gifts and Man Gift Basket Ideas

Looking for a gift basket with unique items? Look no further. This basket has it all! Including, cheddar and onion beer bread, stout beer and onion jelly (great to put on the brie cheese that is included), chocolate chip cookies, cappuccino mix, cashew roca, Tuscan crisps, smoked salmon, chocolate biscotti and appetizer crackers.
Each gift basket on boodlesofbaskets.com is exclusively designed and made by Boodles of Baskets.

Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
13″ x 9″ x 18″