Easter Classic Candy Bouquet


Our Classic Candy Bouquet is bright, bold and bountiful. Filled with chocolates, chips and candies that will taste and tantalize, this is a true candy lovers heaven on earth.  A great gift for Easter. Whether you’re looking for a gift for a man, woman or child, you cannot go wrong with this candy bouquet designed with the true candy lover in mind.

We start with a bright colored container with side handles which can be re-used for years to come, then we pile it high with Runts, Gobstoppers, a Toblerone bar, Sweetarts, Bottlecaps, Necco wafers, KitKat chunky bar, Mars, Aero, Reese mini peanut butter cups, Dots, Pringles, Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Good & Plenty, Razzles, Starburst, Caramel Corn and 2 suckers.  We told you it was full!  Customize this gift by adding a balloon and/or sash below.

Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
9″ x 7″ x 12″

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Classic Candy Bouquet and Candy Bouquet Gift Ideas

Our Classic Candy Bouquet is bright, bold and bountiful. Filled with chocolates, chips and candies that will taste and tantalize, this is a true candy lovers heaven on earth.  A great gift for Easter. Whether you’re looking for a gift for a man, woman or child, you cannot go wrong with this candy bouquet designed with the true candy lover in mind.

We start with a bright colored container with side handles which can be re-used for years to come, then we pile it high with Runts, Gobstoppers, a Toblerone bar, Sweetarts, Bottlecaps, Necco wafers, KitKat chunky bar, Mars, Aero, Reese mini peanut butter cups, Dots, Pringles, Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Good & Plenty, Razzles, Starburst, Caramel Corn and 2 suckers.  We told you it was full!  Customize this gift by adding a balloon and/or sash below.

Approx. measurements (unwrapped):
9″ x 7″ x 12″

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 12 in