Snuggle by


Our Snuggle By bouquet is a great way to welcome a new baby boy or girl!  Cookie shapes included are a baby bottle, baby rattle, baby pin, baby bib and a Onsie shirt designed in mint, baby yellow and soft white. All cookies are approximately 4″ x 6″ each. Gift also includes 4 old fashioned candy sticks in complimentary colors.

Not Available

Seee our available cookie bouquets

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Get Well Cookie Bouquet-Get Well Cookie Bouquets-Get Well Cookie Bouquets Canada

Our Snuggle By bouquet is a great way to welcome a new baby boy or girl!  Cookie shapes included are a baby bottle, baby rattle, baby pin, baby bib and a Onsie shirt designed in mint, baby yellow and soft white. All cookies are approximately 4″ x 6″ each. Gift also includes 4 old fashioned candy sticks in complimentary colors.

Not Available

Seee our available cookie bouquets